Grupo Arquitectura
Sin categorizar | 30. 10. 2023

Contemporary garden and patio design, tips for creating a relaxed and natural space

Do you dream of a quiet corner in your home where you can escape the daily hustle and connect with nature?

Outdoor spaces are an essential extension of a home’s architecture. Not only are they pleasing to the eye, but they can also give you that particular corner designed exclusively for enjoying the natural beauty and freshness of the outdoors.

Both gardens and patios are designed to blend harmoniously with the architecture of your home, creating a relaxed and serene atmosphere. For this reason, we want to share some tips to materialize that relaxing space you have always dreamed of.

1. Plan the space. Start by evaluating the available areas and defining functional zones, such as rest areas, outdoor dining, and green spaces.

2. Keep it simple. Opt for a minimalist design with clean lines and neutral colors and avoid saturation of decorative elements. Remember, less is more.

3. Use natural materials. For example, wood and stone are ideal materials for contemporary gardens. You can incorporate them into terraces, pathways, and planters. You can also create textural contrasts to add visual interest.

4. Select appropriate plants. Plants with simple leaves and geometric shapes work well in contemporary gardens. Once you’ve decided which plants to use, arrange them to create focal points.

5. Make good use of lighting. At night, the proper lighting can transform your space. To achieve this, install recessed lighting or spotlights at strategic points.

6. Use water as a zen element. A small pond or fountain can add serenity, as the sound of water helps to relax the senses. Also, combine lighting with water to create stunning visual effects at night.

7. Give it regular maintenance. It is crucial to maintain it regularly to keep the beauty of your garden or patio, from pruning, watering, and fertilizing to cleaning and repainting wooden or metal structures.

8. Add finishing touches to personalize the space. From cushions and furniture to planters or contemporary sculptures, this is the step where you add the finishing touches to create a relaxing environment that suits your style.

The key to designing and maintaining a garden or patio that conveys peace and tranquility lies in careful planning and the harmonious integration of natural and contemporary elements. 

If you follow these tips, you will not only complement the architecture of your home but also create a perfect space to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature.

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